
Membership in Canada’s national Nurse Practitioner advocacy association builds individual and collective leadership for the Nurse Practitioner profession. The NP is growing in Canada and our voice influences care for patients. Membership provides an avenue to work with leaders and change agents across our country. 

Become a member if you want to be involved and have national opportunities.  We have over 5000 licensed NPs in Canada and we/you need NPAC-AIIPC to be empowered, unified with a strong voice to influence health care delivery to all populations in all health care settings. You want to be a part of this!

As a member of the NPAC, you are supporting:

  • Representation of NPs across Canada through provincial block partnerships and individual membership opportunities.
  • Partnerships with leading researchers and other stakeholders to advocate for  NP issues including role development and evolution, education, policy development, and pertinent legislation changes.
  • Creation of global linkages through membership with the Nurse Practitioner / Advanced Practice Nursing Network (INP/APNN); an affiliate of the International Council of Nurses.

Become part of a vibrant national voice for Nurse Practitioners!

Membership offers:

  • a link to influence Canadian national health care. 
  • nurse practitioners representation at national health and policy forums that impact NP practice. 
  • opportunities to engage in research and is a conduit for other organizations and researchers to link you to leadership opportunities. 
  • benefits from resources and linkages through the Members section of the NPAC-AIIPC website.
  • discounted conference fee for the Annual NPAC-AIIPC Conference.
  • access to monthly professional development grand rounds.
  • twice monthly newsletters with career opportunities, policy and practice updates, links to education sessions and more.


A member with full voting and membership privileges is a nurse practitioner who:

  • registered to practice in Canada,
  • resides in any province or territory in Canada,
  • supports the mission of the Corporation, AND
  • pays the prescribed fee.






A member who does not hold voting privileges and is a

  • student pursuing a Nurse Practitioner designation and has NOT had experience in a Nurse Practitioner role
  • OR a retired nurse practitioner
  • OR has nurse practitioner registration but does not live in Canada
  • AND supports the mission of the Corporation
  • AND pays the prescribed fee.


Honorary Life

A member with full voting and membership privileges except the right to hold office. Honorary Membership shall be granted to a Regular member:

  • whose active participation and longstanding membership in the Corporation warrants such respect, AND;
  • who is recognized by Members for their contributions to Nurse Practitioner practice, AND;
  • who wishes to accept the status of Honorary Member.


Regular membership (full voting privileges) is conferred on all individuals who join NPAC-AIIPC via block membership AND meet Regular Member qualifications. Block membership is acquired through a Provincial/Territorial Partnership or through a Block Membership application.








In order for this application to be processed, you must:

  • Complete this application in full
  • Pay all applicable fees
  • Ensure you select the province at the beginning of the application where you wish to have a membership. This is particularly important for Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia individuals where NPAC has an affiliation agreement.

Thank you for your support of the Nurse Practitioner profession.

Provincial Membership Partners

Nova Scotia – NPANS (May 1 – April 30)
New Brunswick – NPNB (November 1 – October 31)
Prince Edward Island – PEINPA (August 1 – July 31)
Newfoundland & Labrador -NLNPA (April 1- March 31)

Under construction.